Successful Co-Parenting
/Remember to set emotions aside when co-parenting. Not losing sight of what is in the best interest of your child(ren) will go a long way in dealing with your ex. Here are a few tips to help you navigate co-parenting successfully:
If you are dealing with a particularly difficult or high-conflict situation, remember to keep a journal of anything noteworthy that happens in your family law case, and consider asking a family member or friend to help with exchanges.
It is always a good idea to confirm everything in writing when it comes to agreements or deviations from your normal parenting time schedule. An email or text to your co-parent should suffice.
It goes without saying that you should always think twice before letting out any angry feelings when communicating with your ex. Even if your child(ren) is not around, you do not want to risk giving the other side “fuel for the fire”, which could potentially be used against you while litigating your family law case.
Co-parenting with an ex may be challenging, but remembering to stay in control of your emotions and not lose sight of what’s best for the kids, will go a long way.